What is our vision?

Positioning as an international network of experts that plays a key role in shaping the future of work. By strengthening the economic power of companies and establishing a fair and healthy working environment for employees, we strengthen the cohesion of our society as a whole.

How we work

At ewolves, in addition to the unique selling point of our working principles and corporate identity, we seek to combine online and face-to-face elements for an efficient and innovative consultancy that allows us to offer services at competitive costs and thus provide companies with access to an otherwise rather inaccessible strategic HR consultancy. The value proposition of ewolves is the combination of consultancy with elements of e-learning using webinars and one-to-one sessions This combination enables more efficient and timely advice tailored to the customer’s needs.

Do you want your HR department to become a strategic partner for company management and for your HR results to be measurable? Do you want to spend fewer resources on administrative activities and use them for strategic purposes? Our experts at ewolves can help you reorganize your HR department so that it becomes a strategic partner for your company.

We base our services on three pillars that will be the means to provide you with an integral consultancy service: Consulting to advise you on strategic HR topics, the Academy for webinars and trainings, and the area of Coaching for leadership development and professional growth.

At ewolves, we support you in the areas of HR strategy and the restructuring of your HR department so that it converts into a strategic partner of the company management and achieves measurable results.

ewolves gives you access to webinars and courses for HR professionals, managers and people who want to work on their professional growth. You can combine these courses at any time with personal coaching and consulting to suit the specific needs of your company.

ewolves supports people in their personal development based on the INSIGHTS MDI® As a certified partner and accredited by INSIGHTS MDI®, you have access to the analytical tools.

Working principles

Ethics first

We put people first. We work to ensure that growth targets and profit orientation are in harmony with ethical principles. With a human resources strategy that takes into account corporate goals, working atmosphere, employee well-being and, in the best case, the interests of the entire supply chain, we create an immense competitive advantage.

Team up

Real collaboration enables your company to develop its full potential. Power orientation and political wrangling, on the other hand, often lead to hidden costs and slow down efficiency. We support you in setting up the necessary structures, processes and skills – so that you can continue on your path independently and successfully.

Be open

We approach people, questions and problems with a positive attitude and an open mind. With our finger on the pulse of the times, we motivate new ways of thinking and promote freedom in the organization of work. We get to the heart of the matter, work very professionally and always maintain neutrality and integrity – always keeping cultural differences in mind.


ewolves uses the analogy of the team spirit of wolves to break through entrenched thought patterns. What do ewolves and wolves have in common?

Team spirit instead of alpha animals.

  • Leading with trust.
  • Perseverance and patience.
  • Integrity and cohesion.
  • Importance of values and their role model function.
  • The importance of body language for good communication.
  • Experience and expertise before rank – a successful model not only for wolves.
With wolves, there is no such thing as THE leader, it is the one with the most experience who leads in a specific situation. They give young wolves a lot of freedom to make decisions so that they can develop. If they realize that a young animal is out of its depth, they do not abruptly take over the lead again, but nudge the learner in the right direction.


Ramona Litzenberger

Ramona Litzenberger is the founder
of ewolves e.K. and an expert in HR strategy, organizational culture 
and leadership development.

Steffi Puschmann

Cooperation partner of ewolves e.K. and expert for corporate strategy,
change management and implementation support for work design in companies.

Our network of experts

At ewolves, we work with a network of international experts and, depending on the specialist knowledge required, with different speakers and experts. Would you like to support the creation of courses as an expert or speaker? We are interested in expanding our network of experts and welcome new members to our team. Simply send us your application using the contact details.

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Ramona Litzenberger

Gründerin von ewolves©, Expertin für strategisches Personalmanagement und –entwicklung und zertifizierte Mediatorin für Wirtschaft. Beratungsfokus: Aufsetzen der richtigen Mitarbeiterstrukturen abgestimmt auf die Geschäftsziele und als Teil einer gesunden Organisationskultur.


  • 18 Jahre Beratungserfahrung in Personalstrategieberatung in renommierten Beratungsunternehmen und als selbstständige Beraterin
  • Internationale Projekteinsätze mit Design und Implementierungsbegleitung von meist 6-12 Monaten für Konzerne (mit mehr als 200.000 Mitarbeiter) sowie Mittelstand und Familienunternehmen in verschiedenen Industriezweigen
  • Über 10 Jahre im Ausland gelebt und gearbeitet,
    davon 6 Jahre in Mexiko
  • Zertifizierte Mediatorin für Wirtschaft
  • MBA – Master of Business Administration, Tias Nimbas Business School, Niederlande, Abschluss summa
    cum laude sowie Auszeichnung als beste
    Studentin im Jahr 2013
  • Fließend in Deutsch, Englisch und Spanisch

Was mich antreibt:

Ich werde duch eine positive Grundeinstellung im Leben angetrieben. “Ethics First, Team up & Think positive” sind die Werte für die ich stehe. Mein innerer Leitsatz ist “Geht nicht gibt’s nicht”, denn es gibt immer einen Weg”: sich trauen, die Komfortzone verlassen und andere einbinden um die Schwarmintelligenz im Team bestmöglich in der Lösungsfindung zu nutzen.

Durch meine Arbeit möchte ich einen Beitrag zum Erhalt eines starken Mittelstands in Deutschland leisten sowie die Wirtschaft in Entwicklungs- und Schwellenländern aufbauen – Elemente, die aus meiner Sicht für die Demokratie von morgen (und die Welt von morgen für meine Kinder) essentiell sind. Ich liebe die Arbeit mit den unterschiedlichsten Menschen und auch die Ecken und Kanten eines Jeden.

Steffi Puschmann
ewolves Business Partner, Expertin für Strategieentwicklung und -umsetzung, Beraterin für Organisationsentwicklung


Über 20 Jahre Berufserfahrung in der Beratung und als Führungskraft in der Industrie

  • Verschiedene Beratungsprojekte in Organisationsentwicklung und strategischem Personalmanagement
  • Business Development Managerin: Entwicklung neuer Märkte in Schwellen- und Entwicklungsländern
  • Marketing Managerin für Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz
  • Learning & Development Partner für Europa, Naher Osten und Afrika
  • Projektleiterin für verschiedene globale, branchenübergreifende Change- und Lernmanagementprojekte

Was mich antreibt:

Ich liebe es, Menschen in ihrer beruflichen Entwicklung zu unterstützen und sie mit den Fähigkeiten und Kompetenzen auszustatten, die sie erfolgreich machen. Mein ganzheitlicher Fokus liegt nicht nur auf der Vermittlung von methodischem und technischem Wissen, sondern auch darauf, externe Faktoren wie Ernährung, Wohlbefinden und Einflüsse aus Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft einzubeziehen.

Derzeit absolviere ich eine Ausbildung zur Trainerin für Durchsetzungsfähigkeit und Resilienz, um jungen Menschen Werkzeuge und Methoden an die Hand zu geben, mit denen sie sich glücklich und stark fühlen können, egal wie herausfordernd ihre Welt wird.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Ramona Litzenberger

Founder of ewolves©, expert in strategic HR management and development and certified mediator for business. Consulting focus: Setting up the right employee structures aligned with business goals and as part of a healthy organizational culture.

Professional practice:

  • 18 years of consulting experience in personnel strategy consulting in renowned consulting companies and as an independent consultant
  • International project assignments with design and implementation support usually lasting 6-12 months for corporations (with more than 200,000 employees) as well as medium-sized and family-owned companies in various industries
  • Lived and worked abroad for over 10 years,
    including 6 years in Mexico
  • Certified mediator for business
  • MBA – Master of Business Administration, Tias Nimbas Business School, Netherlands, graduated summa
    cum laude and awarded best
    student in 2013
  • Fluent in German, English and Spanish

What drives me:

I am driven by a positive attitude in life. “Ethics First, Team up & Think positive” are the values I stand for. My inner guiding principle is “There’s no such thing as can’t”, because there is always a way”: dare to leave your comfort zone and involve others in order to make the best possible use of the swarm intelligence in the team to find solutions.

Through my work, I want to help maintain a strong SME sector in Germany and build up the economies of developing and emerging countries – elements that I believe are essential for the democracy of tomorrow (and the world of tomorrow for my children). I love working with a wide variety of people and also the rough edges of everyone.

Steffi Puschmann
ewolves Business Partner, expert for strategy development and implementation, consultant for organizational development

Professional practice:

Over 20 years of professional experience in consulting and as a manager in the industry

  • Various consulting projects in organizational development and strategic personnel management
  • Business Development Manager: Development of new markets in emerging and developing countries
  • Marketing Manager for Germany, Austria, Switzerland
  • Learning & Development Partner for Europe, Middle East and Africa
  • Project manager for various global, cross-industry change and learning management projects

What drives me:

I love supporting people in their professional development and equipping them with the skills and competencies that make them successful. My holistic focus is not only on imparting methodological and technical knowledge, but also on incorporating external factors such as nutrition, well-being and influences from the economy and society.

I am currently training to become an assertiveness and resilience coach to give young people tools and methods to feel happy and strong, no matter how challenging their world becomes.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.